Let's get Moving Baby!

Check out all of the classes I have available below and find the right one for you!

The Dance Class On Demand

Total access to virtual class library

50+ classes inside plus new classes added weekly

Price: $33/month or $333/year

Find Your Flow - 28 day program

A 28 day program including 28 virtual dance, strength and yoga classes, designed to work with the phases of your cycle to help optimize your fitness goals and allow you to feel your best throughout the month.

28 Day Cycle Syncing Calendar with 28 different classes

8 chef crafted plant based recipes

4 hormone balancing smoothie recipes

*Meal delivery available in Los Angeles with Plant Ave*

PRICE: $199

Private Training

Virtual 1-on-1 Private Training Sessions

Single Session: $125, 10 Pack: $1,111

*Limited In Person Private Sessions Available in LA*


Live Zoom Classes

Join us online for live zoom classes. Live class schedule coming soon!

$22/Single Class

Kind Words from Movers

Meet Your Instructor

Hi there! I’m Alissa, creator of The Dance Class and I am here to ignite your passion for movement in a way that FEELS GOOD.

I believe fitness is more than a way to change your body. It is a portal to self discovery, healing and evolution. 

I created The Dance Class to help inspire people to move in a sustainable way. I believe that movement is magic and dance is innate. For me, movement has always been the most powerful tool to release stuck energy and heal on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to our most commonly asked questions from clients and see if they answer any questions you may have!

What is cycle syncing?

Cycle syncing is a holistic approach to fitness that aligns with the natural hormonal fluctuations of the menstrual cycle. It recognizes that a woman's body goes through distinct phases (follicular, ovulatory, luteal and menstrual) with unique energy levels, strengths, and challenges. By tailoring workouts, nutrition, and self-care practices to these phases, cycle syncing aims to optimize well-being and performance. Cycle syncing can enhance overall health and fitness by maximizing the body's natural strengths during each cycle phase. Additionally, it may alleviate menstrual symptoms, improve mood, and support hormone balance.

What if I don’t menstruate or I’m on hormonal birth control? Can I still benefit from The Dance Class’s cycle syncing approach?

Absolutely! The Dance Class embraces inclusivity, recognizing that not everyone experiences a menstrual cycle, and some may be using hormonal birth control. Our cycle syncing approach is designed to be adaptable and accessible to all individuals. If you don't have a natural cycle or are on hormonal birth control, you can still align with the broader concept of cycle syncing by tuning into your own rhythms and energy levels. Some people even choose to sync with the phases of the moon for a cyclical approach that embraces the natural cycles in nature. It’s an intuitive practice of listening to what your body is needing each day

Why dance?

Dance is a universal language. We believe everyone is inherently a dancer. Our holistic dance fitness approach celebrates the innate intuitive aspect of movement that exists in every individual, regardless of prior dance experience. In every culture, dance has been a form of celebration, expression, and ritual. It's a fundamental part of being human, deeply ingrained in our history and collective spirit. 

On an anatomical level, dance is considered functional movement because we use multiple muscle groups, moving our entire body on all planes of motion - dance mimics movements that we make in our daily lives. 

Dance is also proven to be one of the best activities for your brain. Several studies have shown that dance helps to create new neural pathways in the brain, improving neuroplasticity and helping to prevent cognitive decline.

What if I’m not a dancer?

You’re in the right place! At The Dance Class, we celebrate the diverse ways people express themselves through movement, emphasizing that there is no "right" or "wrong" way to dance. Embrace the beauty of your own movement, free from judgment or comparison. Our classes are designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of their level of coordination or dance proficiency. The Dance Class is about connecting with your body and enjoying the sensation of movement. You'll discover that the more you let go of self-judgment, the more you'll tap into your natural ability to express yourself through dance.

What if I’m new to fitness?

I am SO GLAD you’re here!! My biggest passion and goal is to make fitness accessible and fun, especially for those who are just starting out. Know that I am here for you. I am rooting for you and I believe in you! If you have questions along the way, please reach out - DM me, email me or schedule a private session. Most importantly, be proud of yourself for starting this new journey. I promise it’s going to be fun!

I’m pregnant or newly postpartum. Are these classes safe?

Congrats Mama!! As a mom myself, I know how important movement is during and after pregnancy for the health of yourself and your baby. I understand that safety is key and exercise during this phase of life might look a bit different. I am a certified Pre/Postnatal Corrective Exercise Specialist with Fit For Birth. I do not believe in a one size fits all approach or basic pre/postnatal “rules”. My goal is to empower you with the tools to know what is safe for YOU

I’m new to cycle syncing. How do I get started?

How exciting! Welcome to a new way of connecting to your body! First, I recommend starting to track your cycle with a cycle syncing app. I use the MyFlo app but there are many others. Next, try my “Find Your Flow” 28 Day Cycle Syncing Program to start to really tune in and learn what your body needs during each phase. I highly recommend journaling how you feel to help you connect deeper.

What equipment do I need?

Though we do have a variety of body weight only classes, we also use dumbbells (light, medium & heavy), ankle/wrist weights (always optional), circle/booty bands, pilates ball, gliders and a foam roller. Don’t let a lack of equipment stop you. There are always ways to modify exercises based on the equipment that you have.

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